Friday, November 12, 2010

The Gratitude Project - Day 12

There are so many people in my life for whom I am thankful. So many people have loved me and guided me along the way. And there are still new people God places in my life from time to time. But there are a handful of folks who are very dear to me, and I just have to say how thankful I am for each of them.

At the top of my list is my mother. Sherry is not only my mother, but she is also my friend. We have always had a close relationship, and have loved spending time together doing things. Since I have had kids, she has been a helper, an encourager, a sounding board, a counselor, and an all-around great grandma. There are days on this journey of motherhood that I just don't think I can move another step - not often, but occasionally. She will come and get all four kids and give me a break for the day. And for rare treats, she takes them all for an entire weekend! I am so thankful for all the help she gives. Last night, I left the kids at home with their daddy, and I went shopping with my mama for a few hours. She joined a fitness club a few months ago, and she needed some new workout clothes. Hers were getting too baggy! YAY for her!! I'm so proud of her for FINALLY doing something for herself, and for sticking with it even though it's hard! She is in her 50's and has decided to make a life change for the better. You are never too old to start an exercise habit. (Not that 50's are old!) I love my mama dearly, and I don't know where I would be without her.

Next is my daddy. He and I didn't always get along when I was younger, but since I moved out of their house, we have become very close. I work for him now doing all of his Internet work, including keeping up with his web site and sending all his e-mails. So I talk to him every week day. On the weekends, I sometimes call just to say "hi," because I get so used to talking to him during the week. He and I share a love of gardening, growing and using your own herbs, and wine making. We can talk for a LONG time about any of those things! I used to take the kids every Wednesday to see him for breakfast. He works from home, so on those days, he would make breakfast for us. We started that, because after breakfast each Wednesday, he taught me lessons on how to play the mandolin that he built me. After my 10 week course was up, we just kept coming to breakfast - for about 3 or 4 years! But alas, when I had baby number 4, it was MUCH harder to get everyone up and out of the house to go have breakfast with him. So we eventually had to quit. So I don't see my daddy as often as I'd like, but at least I do get to talk with him each day. And for that, I am very thankful.

I am thankful that I have all four of my grandparents. Not many people can say that anymore. At least not people my age. One set of my grandparents lives in South Carolina, so I don't get the opportunity to visit them as much as I'd like. But my other grandparents live right up the road from me! So any time I feel like going for a visit, I can. Of course, homeschooling has caused my visits to be a little more infrequent, what with trying to accomplish the things in front of us in a fairly timely manner. But I still love when I am able to go see them!

My grandmother is a wonderful woman who has taught me many things over the years. Brient is thankful that she taught me how to cook! She also taught me a lot about Almighty God. She used to babysit my brother and I during the summers while my mom worked. So I spent a LOT of time learning from her. And now, my children love spending time with her learning all sorts of things.

My granddaddy is just plain FUN! I am thankful for all the FUN times he spent with me out in his pasture, on tractor rides, and sitting on his knee. I am thankful that he is a veteran and fought for MY right to be free. I am thankful that he was a hard worker, and supported his family! I am always amazed at the knowledge rolling around up in that brain of his. I think mine would explode if I tried to remember the things he knows.

I love all of my grandparents and am very thankful to have them still around, but I am especially thankful for my Granddaddy and Grandmama Kelley.

God has put some great people in my life, and for them, I am very thankful. God has blessed me abundantly.

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“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” ~Dr. Suess